WYMGJ Dell 25GE 850NM Short Wavelength SFP+ Transceiver


WYMGJ Overview Dell 25GE 850NM Short Wavelength SFP+ Transceiver. Dell 25GE 850NM Short Wavelength SFP+ Transceiver is an important component of a computer network. It is a small, hot-swappable transceiver that connects the network device to the optical fiber network. This SFP+ transceiver is designed to provide high-speed connectivity and reliable performance in various networking environments. This article will provide a detailed explanation of Dell 25GE 850NM Short Wavelength SFP+ Transceiver.

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WYMGJ Technical Specifications

Dell 25GE 850NM Short Wavelength SFP+ Transceiver

Brand: Dell
Manufacturer : Dell
Product Type : Transceiver
Form Factor : Internal
Data Transfer Rate : 25 Gbps
Connector Type : Duplex LC Connector
Ports Type : SFP+
Tx Wavelength Bandwidth: 20 nm (840-860 nm)
Rx Wavelength Bandwidth: 20 nm (840-860 nm)
Minimum Transmitting Power: -8.4 dBm
Maximum Transmitting Power: 2.4 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity: -11 dBm
Receiver Overload: 2.4 dBm
Transmitter Type: VSCEL Laser
Receiver Type: PIN photodiode
Power: +3.3V single power supply