N9K-C93108TC-FX, Cisco Nexus 93108TC-FX Managed L3 Switch


N9K-C93108TC-FX Overview Based on Cisco Cloud Scale technology, the Cisco Nexus® 9300-EX and 9300-FX platforms are the next generation of fixed Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches. The new platforms support cost-effective cloud-scale deployments, an increased number of endpoints, and cloud services with wire-rate security and telemetry


N9K-C93108TC-FX Technical Specifications

Cisco Nexus 93108TC-FX Managed L3 Switch

Manufacturer: Cisco Systems, Inc
Brand Name: Cisco
Product Line: Cisco Nexus
Product Series: N9K
Product Model: 93108TC-FX
Product Name: Nexus 93108TC-FX Ethernet Switch
Product Type: Ethernet Switch
Total Number of Network Ports: 48
Uplink Port: Yes
Modular: Yes
Stack Port: No
Port/Expansion Slot Details; 48 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet Network
Port/Expansion Slot Details: 6 x 100 Gigabit Ethernet Expansion Slot
Media & Performance
Media Type Supported: Optical Fiber
Media Type Supported: Twisted Pair
Ethernet Technology: 100 Gigabit Ethernet
Ethernet Technology: 10 Gigabit Ethernet
Network Technology: 100GBase-X
Network Technology: 10GBase-T