1472G2D-2USB-5-R Honeywell Voyager XP 1472G Barcode Scanner


1472G2D-2USB-5-R Overview Omni-directional, 1D, PDF,2D, black scanner (1472g2D-2),charge & communication base.


1472G2D-2USB-5-R Technical Specifications

Honeywell Voyager XP 1472G Barcode Scanner

Brand: Honeywell
Manufacturer: Honeywell
Characteristics of the device: Handheld bar code reader
Scanner type
Indicates the type of scanner this product is: 1D/2D
Sensor type
A sensor is a convertor than measures a physical quality (light, temperature etc.) and displays this electronically on a device: LED
Battery type
Description of battery supplied with the product, such battery form factor (e.g. AA/AAA): Built-in battery
Battery capacity
A measure of the charge stored by the battery. Determined by the mass of active material contained in the battery: 2400 mAh
Number of reads per charge: 50000